Imagine being a 30-something mother who needs to juggle time at work and parenting. You get up early in the morning to throbbing head pain and nausea yet you still make breakfast and send the kids to school before commuting to the office.
Or perhaps you are a father of four, a full-time fireman, and a volunteer baseball coach at the local high school. You do your best at everything you do, and you are practically a hero because of your life-saving profession. Yet there are days that you just want to curl up in bed, close the curtains, and stay in the dark the whole day.
By all accounts, you are a great person who contributes so much to your family and to your community. But there are times when migraines get the best of you.
Right now, hundreds of thousands of people around the world struggle with migraines. On some days, they do just fine. But there are times when the pain is so excruciating, preventing them from doing their job or being well enough to spend time with loved ones.
What is a Migraine?
To this day, despite the thousands of terra bytes of information on the internet and hundreds of books written about it, people are still not fully aware of migraines. Many even assume that they are merely very bad headaches. Not knowing what migraine is, they also miss the information needed to handle it as a health concern.
It is essential to know that migraine is a primary headache, meaning it is not a symptom of another disease or condition. In contrast to a typical headache, migraine is a neurological condition that causes intense pain in the head. Migraine pain is often pounding, debilitating, pulsating, and perforating.
It is said to be neurological because the symptoms arise because of specific problems in an individual’s nerves and the nervous system. The nervous system is a network inside our bodies that functions as a superhighway where signals to and from the brain pass through. These signals are electrochemical and allow us to think and move our body, as well as to use our different senses.
Our nervous system is so vital because it controls our body temperature, enables our spine to stretch for mobility, and has a major role in our ability to learn and maintain memories.
To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines and other headaches, download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.
Migraine Symptoms
People with migraines experience these symptoms:
Intense throbbing or pressing pain in the head
Sensitivity to light and sound
Visual problems or disturbances
Neck Pain
Individuals who suffer from migraines may also experience:
Spinning dizziness or vertigo
Difficulty in concentrating or maintaining focus
Foggy thinking or difficulty in comprehending speech or written material
Mood swings
What Causes Migraines?
The medical and scientific community has yet to pin down migraine’s exact causes. However, all the studies show that chemical imbalance in the brain may be the culprit. Researchers are also looking into how our nervous system and blood circulation system’s problems are possible causes of this painful condition.
How Can You Prevent Migraines?
Whatever the cause of migraine and neck pain, there are helpful ideas on preventing it and handling the condition once the symptoms start. Here are a few suggestions on how to better manage this condition:
1. Know Your Triggers
Some of the common migraine triggers are:
Hormonal changes
Sudden change in temperature
Food allergies
Medication overuse or misuse
Other undesirable stimuli such as strong scents, loud noises, flashing or blinking lights, etc.
2. Identify and Track Possible New Triggers
To better deal with your migraine triggers, here are a few ideas to consider:
Review the list of migraine triggers that are unique to you.
Identify other triggers. Once you feel or experience a symptom, immediately write down on a piece of paper or a smartphone app the significant details that could help you identify new triggers. Write down information such as:
What you eat and drink, including condiments
Over-the-counter medicines you ingested
The weather
Places you visit or pass by
Items that you use (ex. shampoo, perfume, household chemical, etc.)
A specific stimuli or object that affected your sense of sight or hearing (ex. loud music, flood lights, etc.)
Other things or objects that could trigger a response (ex. fragrant flowers, aerosol fragrance or room deodorants, etc.)
3. Try an Alternative Pain Relief Method
Hundreds of people have tried and were satisfied with the results of an upper cervical chiropractic session. This is a natural, non-invasive way of adjusting the upper cervical spine. The techniques used by every upper cervical chiropractor help relieve tension in the neck.
They help reset or reposition the topmost bones of the upper cervical spine. These bones are the C1 vertebra (atlas bone) and the C2 vertebra (axis bone). The chiropractic techniques done by hand are precise and gentle, yet they significantly help relieve migraine pain while promoting the overall health of an individual.
You, too, can take back your life and find freedom from pain. Live your best life by investing in your health and wellness.
Contact us to schedule an upper cervical chiropractic session or visit our office today.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Scheumann, call our Murfreesboro office at 615-203-5111. You can also click the button below.
If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at